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Love to be real love, must be active.
- Barry Moore
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him.
- Voltaire

By the cross we, too, are crucified with Christ; but alive in Christ. We are no more rebels, but servants; no more servants, but sons!

- Frederic W. Farrar
What do you think of God, the teacher asked. After a pause, the young pupil replied, He's not a think, he's a feel.
- Paul Frost
No need for everyone to look the same. The secret is to wear what suits you best!
- Chica Umino
The root of complex gets strengthened by competitive teachings. Nothing in this world can be more foolish than comparing two things or two individuals.
- Deep Trivedi
It is not that Buddha, Krishna, Jesus or Mohammed lacked anything in their compassion. If they could, they would have eliminated the "pains and miseries" of human life long back. But the problem is, in this case we have to help ourselves, no one else can.
- Deep Trivedi

Mother, father and teacher are best guides of a person; that person is really lucky whose parents are virtuous as they will always guide him to the right way and always think good for him.

- A Spiritual Leader
Time is the factor of fear and thought: if you don’t change now, you won’t ever change.
- J. Krishnamurti

That happiness which comes after misery is all the more enjoyable; it is to one scorched in the sun that the shade of the tree gives exceptional relief.

- Kalidas
The most wonderful and precious element of universe is the human life which can only be guided by the right knowledge and right attitude. So, here is an ocean of knowledge, both in English and Hindi encompassing every detail and each facet of human life which ‘one must know’ in order to grow and attain the summits of success. A team of around 200 dedicated members is working ceaselessly to turn such a colossal dream into reality. We are confident that this portal will help bring change in people across the world.

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