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God is to be worshipped as the one beloved, dearer than everything in this and next life.
- Swami Vivekananda
In today's time, no other ''charity'' is acceptable or practical than the ''wisdom'' that can transform the human life... Meaning the knowledge which can teach a man to climb the ladder of success.
- Deep Trivedi
Not everyone talks in words.
- Nema Al Araby

To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage.

- Confucius
You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
- Mark Twain
Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.
- Margaret Oliphant
Every evening I turn my worries over to God. He's going to be up all night anyway.
- Mary C. Crowley
Neither lavish living is a sin nor simple living a virtue; but pretending and portraying other than what we are or what we have, is certainly our hypocrisy.
- Deep Trivedi
Man can believe the impossible, but man can never believe the improbable.
- Oscar Wilde
There's nothing more inspiring than the complexity and beauty of the human heart.
- Cynthia Hand
The most wonderful and precious element of universe is the human life which can only be guided by the right knowledge and right attitude. So, here is an ocean of knowledge, both in English and Hindi encompassing every detail and each facet of human life which ‘one must know’ in order to grow and attain the summits of success. A team of around 200 dedicated members is working ceaselessly to turn such a colossal dream into reality. We are confident that this portal will help bring change in people across the world.

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