Deep Trivedi
Bible, Quran and Vedas have been proven wrong on many instances. It is any day better to devote the precious human life to the cause of humanity living life to the fullest, rather than sacrificing it on their altar.
In life, no one can only be bad. Even the worst of human being has many good qualities hidden in him. The one who only looks at the better part of people, lives his life in utter bliss and peace.
A successful life is the one which has no desires left in the mind at the time of death.
Here at the most what you can become is, as your nature moulds you in the process of life. Yes, in an effort to become something else, you can always get ruined. So, as long as possible please do not try to tamper with your nature.
Birth is a moment. Even death is a moment. The chain of moments spent between the two is called life. In that case, time is indeed precious. We can bring an end to all our problems as soon as we analyze... as to where and on what issues we have been wasting our time.
Your mind functions like a computer. It is only you, who has the authority to enter or delete the data from it. But giving this right to others, you have corrupted the computer of your mind.
The "Third Force" not only influences the earthquake, rains or gravitation, but is equally affecting our mind, body and society as well... As such it can well be understood; because it too functions in accordance with its laws.
The biggest treasure of a human being is his "power of imagination". Instead of utilizing it for making a discovery or melody or exploring the avenues of business...we waste it on imaginary worries and finding fictitious Gods to resolve it.
The ultimate height of human intelligence is understanding the ''science of mind''. Intelligence at a secondary level is the understanding of principles of "time and space" and its impact. Surprisingly, even people who know neither of these, still consider themselves to be intelligent.
The ''awakened person'' is the one, in whose presence not only the people around him, but even the existence and the circumstances feel compelled to fulfil his desires... And to be so awakened is not a difficult task.
The most wonderful and precious element of universe is the human life which can only be guided by the right knowledge and right attitude. So, here is an ocean of knowledge, both in English and Hindi encompassing every detail and each facet of human life which ‘one must know’ in order to grow and attain the summits of success. A team of around 200 dedicated members is working ceaselessly to turn such a colossal dream into reality. We are confident that this portal will help bring change in people across the world.

Content creation, research, development and execution done in-house at Aatman Innovations.