
Scholars, learning from their mistakes of the past, plan their present and future accordingly and enjoy success, peace and prosperity.

Open yourself, create free space; release the bound one from his bonds! Like a newborn child, freed from the womb, be free to move on every path!

Sweet be the glances we exchange, our faces showing true concord; Enshrine me in your heart and let one spirit dwell within us.

The blossom of love will make the air fragrant; the river of love will murmur along the valleys; and every bird, beast and child will sing the song of love.

All things belong to God, as do all places. I am forever a sacrifice to God.


Only the person having firm conviction and iron volition can attain strength and energy. At no stage of karma does he ever hesitate.

Let your aims be common, and your hearts of one accord, and all of you be of one mind, so you may live well together.

The one who has deep knowledge of wide-ranging subjects has the capability to provide solutions to almost every problem. He has the intelligence required to understand the basic nature of the problem and then work accordingly towards finding its solution. He always gives right advice to the right people at the right time.

On the divine path, there is no chance of failure; it is the path of love.

After a hard day’s work, the night gives us an opportunity to take rest and relax. Thus, we get recharged and are ready for the challenges of the next day.

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