
What a person believes is not as important as how a person believes.


Every man prefers belief to the exercise of judgment.

-Seneca the Younger

Faith is not Desire. Faith is Will. Desires are things that need to be satisfied, whereas Will is a force. Will changes the space around us…

-Paulo Coelho "The Witch Of Portobello"

Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free.

-Shannon L. Alder

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

I believe that there is an explanation for everything, so, yes, I believe in miracles.

-Robert Brault

The eloquent man is he who is no beautiful speaker, but who is inwardly and desperately drunk with a certain belief.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Skepticism is the beginning of Faith.

-Oscar Wilde

The more the level of insecurity is reduced, the more the level of faith will grow.

-Victor Manuel Rivera "In Search of True Freedom"

Faith is not so much something we believe; faith is something we live.

-Joseph B. Wirthlin

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