J. Krishnamurti

All ideologies are idiotic, whether religious or political, for it is conceptual thinking, which has so unfortunately divided man.

When our hearts are empty, we embrace the things, thoughts and people.

Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect.

Corruption inside is most dangerous, so don’t be corrupt. Begin here first, not out there.

As you are externally aware, so also you can be inwardly aware of your thoughts and feelings, of your motives and urges, of your prejudices, envies, greed and pride…This outward and inward awareness is a unitary process which brings about a total integration of human understanding.

The guru cannot awaken you; all that he can do is to point out what is. The guru can give you words; he can give you an explanation, the symbols of the mind, but the symbol is not the real, and if you are caught in the symbol, you will never find the way.

The end is the beginning of all things, suppressed and hidden, awaiting to be released through the rhythm of pain and pleasure… Pain itself destroys pain. Suffering itself frees man from suffering.

Reality is the interval between two thoughts.

Action has meaning only in relationship and without understanding relationship, action on any level will only breed conflict. The understanding of relationship is infinitely more important than the search for any plan of action.

It is not that you read a book, pass an examination and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.

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