
My motto for fashion: If you can’t afford to make an elegant statement, make a ridiculous one.

-Stecey Jay "Romeo Redeemed"

I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!

-Marilyn Monroe

Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time.

-Jean Cocteau

Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.

-Yves Saint Laurent

One should never confuse fashionable with beautiful.

-Beth Fantaskey "Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side"

Fashion is about going ahead, not about memory.

-Karl Lagerfeld

When a woman smiles, then her dress should smile too.

-Madeleine Vionnet

The secret to modeling is not being perfect. What one needs is a face that people can identify in a second. You have to be given what’s needed by nature, and what’s needed is to bring something new.

-Karl Lagerfeld

No need for everyone to look the same. The secret is to wear what suits you best!

-Chica Umino "Honey and Clover”, Volume 4"

Fashion has two purposes: comfort and love. Beauty comes when fashion succeeds.

-Coco Chanel

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