
Make haste in doing good; check your mind from evil; for the mind of him who is slow in doing meritorious actions delights in evil.

-Dhammapada "Dhammapada"

All good people are weak; they are good because they are not strong enough to be evil.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.

-Ayn Rand

The way to overcome the angry man is with gentleness, the evil man with goodness, the miser with generosity and the liar with truth.

-Proverbs "Indic proverb"

The healthy man does not torture others – generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.

-Carl Gustav Jung

Evil men sprout like weeds in the sun, like weeds that spread all through the garden. Their roots wrap round the stones and hold fast to every rock.

-Jesus Christ

Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things.

-Terry Pratchett "I Shall Wear Midnight"

If God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished: for they are forever praying for evil against one another.


So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?

-Ayn Rand

We can never choose evil. We always choose the good, and nothing can be good for us without being good for all.

-Jean Paul Sartre

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