Japan Develops First Washable Phone

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Washable Phone

Kyocera, a Japanese company has developed a new smartphone Digno Rafre that can be washed and scrubbed with regular soaps. While waterproof phones are not new in Japan, this will be the first time that consumers in Japan would actually be able to scrub their phones rigorously to kill the bacteria.

Digno Rafre is projected as the world’s first soap–proof phone that can be used in all kinds of environment. According to the Kyocera team, the phone has a touch panel that works even after getting wet. Hence, it can be used in both kitchen and the bathroom.

Kyocera also has the bone conducting technology that provides audio without speaker named the Smart Sonic Receiver. Digno Rafre is all set to launch in Japan next week for about 57,420 Japanese Yen or $465.

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