4,500 Year Old Human Skull Details Migration of Eurasians to Africa

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Eurasian Migration

A study published in the journal Science reports a huge wave of migration from Eurasia into Africa about 3,000 years ago. This is claimed by British scientists after they extracted DNA from a 4,500-year-old Ethiopian skull.

The findings states that migration of Eurasians in the Horn of Africa had a genetic impact on modern African population with 25% of their DNA having Eurasian connection. If one takes into account the years surrounding the man’s death and the migration that happened then one would find a difference of around 1,500 years. However, there’s a catch. The make-up of the continent changed 1,500 years after the death of the man.

The 4,500-year-old remains of the hunter gatherer known as Mota man were discovered in a well preserved condition in a cave. More importantly, archaeologists discovered a bone called petrous, right below its ear in a well preserved condition. Petrous is a strong bone that prevents bacteria from getting in and destroying DNA. The well preserved DNA is in contrast to the hot and humid African climate which easily destroys fragile DNA. The theory surrounding the origins of modern man suggests that man left Africa around 60,000 years ago. However, this find establishes that he even returned to Africa at a later date.

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