Seychelles or officially known as Republic of Seychelles is a 115-island country in the Indian Ocean, Mainland Africa situated in the east and Madagascar to the northeast of the island. The other nearby island countries and territories include Zanzibar to the west, Mauritius, Rodriguez, Agalega, Reunion to the south and Comoros and Mayotte to the Southwest. Seychelles comprises 115 islands in total, out of them 41 are granitic in origin, while another 75 are coral in origin. The terrains of the islands comprise hilly areas with coasts bordering them, while some are flat and rocky. Victoria is the capital and is situated on the main island. ‘Seychelles’ derived its name in 1756 during its expedition by the French and was named after the controller of finance, Vicomte Moreau des Sechelles.
The climatic conditions in Seychelles vary a little throughout the year. Seychelles has a marine, humid and tropical type of climate. The island country of Seychelles has two rainy seasons in a year. The first one occurs between the months of late May and September, while the second occurs between the months of March and early May. The trade winds that blow during October and April and again between May to September cool down the sweltering temperatures of the islands. The climatic conditions of this island country do not reach extremes of heat or cold. The average temperature throughout the year is 29°C, it does not drop below 24°C or rise above 32°C. Seychelles weather is hottest from the months of December to April as the humidity level rise up to 80%, but the trade winds blowing from northwest and southeast make the temperature in the islands pleasant and habitable.

During the early plantation era, cinnamon and vanilla were the chief exports of this land-based plantation economy. The revenue generation through agricultural produce declined over the years due to a very little scope for expansion. The Tourism sector got promoted after the opening of the International airport in 1971. More and more people were employed in the tourism sector due to the higher wages. The plantation sectors declined over the years, as wages in this sector were comparatively less, as the wages were fixed by the international prices of plantation. The opening of the airport gave a boost to the economy by employing 30% of the labour force, which is much higher as compared to agriculture, which in recent times just employs about 3% of the labour force. Farming and fishing activities still employ some people of the country along with the industries that process coconuts and vanilla. Economic support is provided to the locals who produce agricultural products like sweet potatoes, vanilla, coconuts and cinnamon. The main export commodities of the country include frozen and canned fish, copra, cinnamon and vanilla. Over the years, the government has encouraged foreign investment to help the tourism sector by upgrading hotels and other service industries. Among the locals, souvenirs are produced and sold to the tourists to help in contributing towards the tourism sector.

The staple diet of the people on the island is rice and curry, which is generally eaten two or three times a day. The curry is generally fish or meat based. Coconut milk is a key ingredient used in preparing curry and many other dishes. The upper-class people consume both fish and meat. The dishes are very rich and exotically prepared having a combination of both French and Indian flavours. The traditional dishes are prepared with hot condiments and spices. The local dishes are highly influenced from Chinese, French, Indian, African and English customs. Among the most commonly used ingredient is Breadfruit, which is very similar to a potato but is sweet in taste. It is more commonly used to add texture to the dishes. Fruits are an integral part of the Seychelles food. Among their favourites, include mangoes, papayas, melons, golden apple and limes. People in the country prepare traditional dishes with octopus and lobster instead of beef or lamb. Prawns and crabs too are among their favourite seafoods.

The official language of this country is Creole, which is also known as Kreol or Seselwa. English and French are the other two official languages of Seychelles. The language is quite diversified and mixed due to the population of people belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures like Asian, African, Indian, European and French. As people belong to different groups their culture, beliefs and the languages used are different. English is more commonly used by a majority of the population. The schools and institutions use English language apart from Creole. English and Creole are more used by the people instead of French.

The rarest species of flora and fauna and sanctuaries make Seychelles a living museum of natural history. Fifty percent of Seychelles landmass is set aside for national parks and reserves. The plants on the island are mostly of flowering variety; tree includes coconuts, breadfruit, papaya, mango, pineapple, avocado and patchouli. The unique endemic specimen ‘Coco-de-mer’ the largest seed in the world is found in this country. Jellyfish tree is among the other rare floras of Seychelles. The rarest specie of fauna is found on the islands. The turtles and tortoises of the islands are very famous which include Giant tortoises and marine turtles like hawksbill and green turtle. Seychelles nurtures amazing variety of endemic frog spices like green gecko, pygmy piping. The avian life on the island comprises blue pigeon, the white-eye, black paradise flycatcher, sunbird, bulbul, black parrot and magpie robin. The marine life around the islands is usually inhabited by clownfish, moray eels, angelfish, puffer fish and parrotfish.